how to dry fleshlight

How To Dry Fleshlight

Fleshlights are the best selling sex toy in the world but they are a bit difficult to clean. but you need to clean it every time you use it so that it doesn’t get nasty in between uses. It takes a lot of time to clean it and you will be wasting your time if you don’t dry it properly. There are many ways to dry out the Fleshlight but this article will teach you how to dry it quickly by using an oven and a hair dryer.

1. How to dry a Fleshlight

There are many ways to dry a Fleshlight. You may have noticed that a lot of Fleshlights are wet when you get them. This is because the Fleshlight is a porous material and absorbs moisture. If you want to dry out your Fleshlight, you can put it in the freezer or put it in the bathroom while you shower. Another way to dry a Fleshlight is to use a hairdryer on the lowest heat setting. This will take a little longer than putting it in the freezer, but it will also be safer. If you want to dry your Fleshlight faster, you can put it in the microwave. This will take a little longer than the hairdryer and may be a little too hot for the Fleshlight.

2. Conclusion.

If you have a Fleshlight, you can dry it out by placing it in the oven. This will allow the Fleshlight to dry out and will help prevent mold from forming. You should turn off the oven before you place the Fleshlight in it. It is best to keep the oven on the lowest setting and leave the door slightly open. You should also make sure that the Fleshlight is not touching the inside of the oven. You can also put your Fleshlight in the microwave for a short period of time to help dry it out.


When you’re using your Fleshlight, it’s important to remember that it is a toy and you should take it easy. When you’re finished, you should always clean it with warm water and soap. It’s also a good idea to dry it off before storing it, as damp Fleshlights can cause mold and mildew.


The Fleshlight is a toy that is used by people to stimulate their genitals. It is a tube of material that has a texture that feels like a vagina. There are many different types of Fleshlights, but the most common ones are the Fleshlight Ice and the Fleshlight Girl. The Fleshlight Ice is designed for men and the Fleshlight Girl is designed for women. The Fleshlight is a toy that is used by people to stimulate their genitals. It is a tube of material that has a texture that feels like a vagina. There are many different types of Fleshlights, but the most common ones are the Fleshlight Ice and the Fleshlight Girl. The Fleshlight Ice is designed for men and the Fleshlight Girl is designed for women.